3M Aqua-Pure UVLB-1X Replacement UVC Light Bulb For Discount

4 Pin on a Single End – 39 Watt Germicidal UVC Bulb
Our 3M Aqua-Pure UVLB-1X Replacement UVC Light Bulb is a 39 watt germicidal water treatment bulb that is compatible with the following germicidal UVC system model:
- Aqua-Pure APUV12
- Aquaculture
- Beverage Services and Processing
- Drinking Water
- Food Services and Processing
- Municipal Wastewater
- Pools, Spas, and Water Features
- Well Water
Total Length: 31.89 inches (810mm)
- Arc Length: 28.74 inches (730mm)
- Lamp Quartz Diameter: 15mm
- Operating Current: 425mA
- Lamp Wattage: 39 Watts
- Output UVC Watts: 13.8 Watts
- Output uW cm^2 @ 1m: 130
- Peak UV Output: 253.7nm
- Glass Type: Non Ozone
- Base Style: 4 pin on a single end
- Base Material: Ceramic
- Bulb Shape: T5
- Rated Life: Up to 10,000 hours
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Spectral Output of Germicidal UVC Light Bulbs (PDF)ÂDrawing of Replacement UVC Bulb Item # 192049 (PDF)ÂUVC Light Disinfection Dosage Chart (PDF)ÂNote: CureUV.com stocks generic products that are 100% compatible with the original equipment.
This product is a substitute item for old CureUV product item #: 192048
*Hg – Lamp contains mercury – manage in accordance with your local disposal laws by visiting: www.lamprecycle.org
*All germicidal UVC light bulbs listed are compatible brand UV products. We do not sell 3M Aqua-Pure brand UVC bulbs. All 3M Aqua-Pure brand names, trademarks, and logos are property of 3M.
Warning: Ultraviolet UV-C light is harmful to your eyes and skin. Use proper safety gear.
Additional Information
Coating None, Ballast, Quartz Sleeve, Shatterproof Coating
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Technical Specifications:
Total Length: 31.89 inches (810mm)
With 4 pins on a single end, this germicidal UVC light bulb features a peak UV output of 253.7nm. This wavelength region comes under maximum germicidal effectiveness and is highly fatal to microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and other pathogens.
When water is passed through the CureUV’s germicidal UV light, it deactivates the genetic material of the microorganism and renders them incapable of multiplying. This high-quality fixture has a lifespan of up to 10,000 hours and is set inside non-ozone glass. The UVC light bulb comes with 12 months of sterilizing property after which it must be replaced for maximum effectiveness. Always ensure clean and safe water with the 3M Aqua-Pure UVLB-1X Replacement UVC Light Bulb.
This bulb is available with a shatterproof coating that in case of damage keeps the lamp glass from falling into the unit where is installed. This results in an easy way to dispose of glass if it shatters. You can select this shatterproof option above.
Do I need shatterproof coating?
Although shatterproof coating can lower the intensity of the UV-C bulb by as much as 15%, it is recommended for applications in which it is crucial to avoid potential glass breakage at all costs. These applications include but are not limited to food processing and medical institutions. However, if glass breakage would be inconvenient but not catastrophic, skipping the costly shatterproof coating is quite alright. After all, we do not use shatterproof coating with our glasses and plates at home.
Common Applications: